Dear Jaimie, Love Julie.

It has taken me months to write this. I wanted to capture you perfectly. Finally, I accept that no words will ever illustrate your dynamic personality and bright soul. Having you in my life, for what will never be enough time, made me a better friend, sister, daughter, and mother. The eternal teacher, you taught me how to live a better life.

First, we were friends, and then you became the sister I never had. You helped me through challenging times, but also coached me through the easier questions in life such as what fast food restaurant to drive through when a hangry moment took hold of me when out and about.

I am more invested in family and friends now more than ever after watching the beautiful connection you had with everyone in your life. I used to joke with you when you would wish happy birthday to your best friends on social media that you couldn’t label that many people your “best friend.” It was true. There are many people on this earth who, when asked who their best friend is, would without hesitation declare you.

Cancer ultimately prevented you from becoming the mom you always dreamed of being with your one true love, Zach. Only a truly special person who wanted motherhood so badly could watch those around her, including myself, get married and have children, genuinely cheering us on. I promise I will honor you by teaching James and Delaney your values, most of all to be absolutely devoted to family and friends. Thank you for being godmother to James and his biggest fan. Nobody celebrated him like his dear Aunt JJ.

I wish you had more time with Delaney. I will always be grateful we snapped that one and only photo of you two together. I think it was meant to be that she was born on your anniversary so that she could in some way be a part of what I believe was the happiest day of your life. I have never been to a wedding where love was so obviously everywhere. Love was among guests and the bridal party, but most of all between you and Zach. That day was magical.

You are the brightest star. I miss you every single day.

I love you Jaimie.


Dear Jaimie, Love kayla.