Dear Jaimie, love dad.

Dear Jaimie,

I sent you something similar before and with a few modifications and new thoughts. It felt appropriate to send again.

I know you feel enormous anxiety and anger over having to go through this nightmare. It’s real and nobody can feel what you feel. But everyone understands your pain and hurts alongside you.

But, I have watched the enormous strength, positive endurance, and toughness you have given the last 2.5 years. You have been strong mentally and physically, you have persevered through set backs, and you have not quit. Because of who you are and the example you set every day - you are awesome.

You have unwavering support and unconditional love from your family and friends.

This nightmare has been made up of many milestones and pathways. You have navigated your way through an array of land mines admirably.

You were told before that the Chemo Treatment you endured was successful and there were no signs of cancer in your body. That was short lived and you had to regroup. You put your feet on the ground and your actions said “let’s get after this.”

You are a warrior. 💪

The next milestone is to finish Chemotherapy Treatment. You will again persevere.

I know it’s difficult but you are a strong woman who will get through whatever is put in front of you. As I said, at your wedding you are a role model to many.

I made the mistake of taking for granted your strength and perseverance. I believed that was a given. My focus has been to figure out what else we can do to help. And lost sight of YOU. I am sorry.

You have much love around you. Embrace it. ❤️❤️



DEAR JAIMIE, love dad.


Dear Jaimie, love dad.